Download Practical file Computer graphics in C. Computer Graphics & Multi-Media Practical file download for free.
Are you a student of CSE?
If you want to get a Practical file based on CG then you are in the right place. Check out below the contents or programs that are in the practical file. Hope you will get what you want.
If you are in BCA MCA or BTech or any CSE Course then these programs will surely help you.
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The best software or IDE for creating Computer Programs is Code Blocks. Give it a try if you haven’t used it. It supports many external files and is easy to use compared to other IDEs. Turbo software is for beginners, they help us in remembering syntax, but don’t have a rich environment. This is based on my opinion or thinking, everyone has their thinking and opinions. You are not just bound to code blocks for computer graphics programs.
Instructions to make any Practical File
- Coding and output should be on different pages.
- The program name or heading should be the size of 16.
- The coding section font size should be 10, use No space Format.
- Don’t use a colorful format.
These Practicals are done by me during pursuing my MCA. The main motto of this article is to just help students who don’t have laptops or getting any difficulty in making practicals from their busy schedules.
The programming language is either C or C++. I have covered 16 practical programs that a teacher can ask you to do. Hope you will find something useful from here.
Whenever you make a practical just don’t copy-paste as it is, just click a few minor changes in them like variable names, functions, or methods names, so that teacher doesn’t know that it is pasted from other students’ files.
Table of Contents Practical File Computer Graphics
Sr. No | Topic | Page No |
1 | WAP to draw a line using the DDA Scan Conversion line drawing algorithm. | 3-5 |
2 | WAP to draw a line using Bresenham’s Scan Conversion line drawing algorithm. | 6-8 |
3 | Write a program to draw a line using the Mid-Point Scan Conversion line drawing algorithm. | 9-11 |
4 | Write a program to draw a circle using polar coordinates. | 12-14 |
5 | Write a program to draw a circle using Bresenham’s Scan Conversion circle drawing algorithm. | 15-17 |
6 | Write a program to draw a Circle using the Mid-Point Scan Conversion circle drawing algorithm. | 18-20 |
7 | Write a program to find the matrix representation of a counter-clockwise rotation by θ degrees about the origin. | 21-23 |
8 | Write a program to perform translation and shear transformation on a rectangle. | 24-27 |
9 | Write a program to draw a rectangle and perform 2D composite transformations such as rotation, scaling, reflection, and shearing. | 28-33 |
10 | Write a program to fill a circle using Boundary Fill Algorithm. | 34-35 |
Practical File Computer Graphics
Sr. No | Topic | Page No |
1 | WAP to fill a circle using the Flood fill Algorithm. | 3-4 |
2 | WAP for line clipping using the Cohen- Sutherland algorithm. | 5-10 |
3 | WAP for line clipping using Liang-Barsky Algorithm. | 11-14 |
4 | WAP to draw 3D Bar charts. | 15-16 |
5 | WAP for polygon clipping using the Sutherland Hodgman algorithm. | 19-23 |
6 | WAP for making Bezier curve. | 17-18 |

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